Frequently asked questions about the Helsinki transport service

This page features answers to frequently asked questions about the Helsinki Transport Service.

On this page

What to do if my transport is late and I can't reach the Helsinki Transport Service's customer service?

If you need transport soon and cannot reach our customer service center by phone within 15 minutes of queuing, or if you have already ordered transport that is late by more than 15 minutes, you can order a vehicle from Taksi Helsinki or Menevä, or take a vehicle provided by these operators at a taxi stop. In connection with the order, please tell about your customer relationship with the Helsinki Transport Service and make sure before your trip that you can use your Helsinki Transport Service payment card. Notify its customer service of your order as soon as possible after the order has been fulfilled, along with the taxi number. You can pay for the transport with your transport service payment card, provided that you checked that the vehicle accepts the payment card when placing your order.

See Taxi Helsinki and Taxi Menevä's contact details and more information on web page How to order or cancel a transport(Link leads to external service)

Where does the driver get my information? What if my information changes?

Henkilökohtaiset asiakastietosi syötetään matkojenvälitysohjelmaan vammaisten sosiaalityön toimipisteessä kuljetuspäätöksen yhteydessä. Palvelukeskus Your personal client information is entered into the transport intermeditation program at the disability services social work unit when a transport decision is made. The customer service centre of the Helsinki Transport Service, from which transport is arranged, cannot change your information, but we can add information related to your transport for the driver if necessary. Such information can be related to aspects such as specifications regarding your pick-up address or the person accompanying you’s phone number.

If your client information (e.g. your home address) changes or you would like to check the content of it in more detail, please contact your local disability services social work unit.

Disability services office secretaries: +358  9 310 23100.

Why is it that I may have to wait for up to 50 minutes even though the city is full of taxis?

The Social Welfare, Health Care and Rescue Services Division has tendered out agreements for vehicles with special equipment for the needs of special groups for its service, so the aim is to direct transport orders to those agreement operators.

If you order transport less than 30 minutes before your desired departure time, a vehicle may come pick you up within 10–50 minutes. The aim is also to combine all trips if your client information allows it.

Why does it take so long to get a disabled vehicle?

Unfortunately, we have a limited number of disabled vehicles in our service, so the waiting times may be slightly longer than for clients without vehicle limitations. Clients entitled to use a disabled vehicle also often need more help from the driver (e.g. with securing a wheelchair or getting into the vehicle), whereby transporting one client takes more time. As a rule, our highest priority is to ensure the client’s safety and provide good service.

Why can I not use the same vehicle for a round trip, e.g. to the post office or grocery store and back?

We combine all of our transport orders and aim to transport several clients on every trip. Every client takes their own time to go to the grocery store, making it impossible to estimate the waiting time. For this reason, our vehicles cannot wait and, consequently, outward and return trips must always be ordered separately.

You can order a round trip and several trips at the same time. You must always place a separate order for the return trip. The same vehicle can only be used for round trips to a cemetery and back.

Why am I not allowed to bring as many people accompanying me as I want? Why will you not arrange a larger vehicle for such cases?

Your payment card is intended primarily for personal use, not for group travel. The service is intended to facilitate our clients’ everyday mobility, and the holder of a payment card is allowed to bring one person accompanying them for assistance free of charge. Our disabled vehicles are reserved primarily for clients who are unable to use a car. 

Why am I not allowed to take a vehicle at a taxi stop? What about combination prohibitions?

The purpose of the service is to combine as many transport orders as possible and direct the orders to agreement operators. Combination prohibitions, even temporary, cannot be granted by the customer service centre of the Helsinki Transport Service.  You can apply for a combination prohibition with your local disability services social work unit. A taxi stop permission can only be granted in situations specified by the Social Welfare, Health Care and Rescue Services Division.

If the situation so requires, the customer service representative can use their discretion to grant the client permission to take a vehicle from a taxi stop. Such situations can occur at the airport and large public events, for example, or when the client’s transport is running considerably late.

If I am granted permission to take a vehicle at a taxi stop, what are my options?

f you have been granted permission to take a vehicle at a taxi stand by the Helsinki Transport Service, you can order one directly from Menevä Oy’s order number   +358 (0)500 639 124(Link starts a phone call) (+ local/mobile call rate) or Taksi Helsinki Oy’s order number ( +358 (0)9 4246 8155(Link starts a phone call) (+ local/mobile call rate). The order numbers are not subject to a service fee. When placing your order, please tell the operator that you are a client of the Helsinki Transport Service and make sure that the vehicle accepts your payment card. 

If you have been granted permission to take a vehicle at a taxi stand and do so, you must use the vehicles of Taksi Helsinki or Menevä. The vehicles of Taksi Helsinki and Menevä have clear identifiers on their sides. Please make sure before your trip that you can use your Helsinki Transport Service payment card.