How to order or cancel transport

The customer service centre of the Helsinki Transport Service is open around the clock, all year round. You can order transport by phone, email or text message.

Information needed for reserving transport

When ordering transport, please provide our customer service representative with the following information:

  • The passenger’s name or client number
  •  The departure address and the destination address (detailed information).
  • The travel date and the desired departure time or definite arrival time.
  • Will you travel with a person accompanying you and/or a companion or children under the age of 13?
  • Will you have a trained guide, support or assistance dog or other pet with you?
  • Will you bring any mobility aids (a wheelchair, a rollator or an electric mobility scooter or a child safety seat)?
  • Will you need a disabled car or a large disabled vehicle?
  • Will you need assistance or accompanying from the driver or a stair climber at the departure or destination address?
  • Do you want to stop anywhere along the way for up to 10 minutes, and if so, at what address? Note: the deviation from the route must be less than one kilometer. When visiting a cemetery, you can stop for 20 minutes at the most and you will be charged two trips for the visit.
  • Will you travel for errands or for work or studies?

ou can order transport by phone via the customer service number +358 (0)9 231 23000(Link starts a phone call) . If your preferred service language is Swedish, please call the number +358 (0)9 231 23010. . Jos haluat palvelua ruotsiksi, soita numeroon  +358 (0)9 231 23010(Link starts a phone call)

You can also order transport by email: (Link opens default mail program)

When ordering by email, please enter ‘Order’ into the subject field of the message.

In the email message, please provide all the information needed for the order. These items are listed at the top of the page, under ‘Information needed for reserving transport’.


You can also order transport by sending a text message to the number +358 (0)46 851 0973.

When ordering by text message, please provide the following information in the same message:

  • The passenger’s name.
  • The departure address and the destination address.
  •  The desired departure time (departure) or the definite arrival time at the destination (arrival).
  • The travel date.
  • Will there be other passengers (number)?
  • Will there be a 10-minute stop along the way (10 min stop)? If so, provide the exact address of the stop.
  • Are you travelling for leisure (leisure), work (work) or study (studies) purposes?
  • Will you be bringing any aid devices? If so, what devices (rollator, wheelchair)?
  • Will you be travelling with a guide, support or assistance dog (dog) or a pet (pet)?

 Example message 1: “One-way trip Maija Maijanen Kisakatu 3 E 99 Helsinki, Kauppakatu 2 Vantaa. Departure 13.30. Date 1.4.2019. Other passengers: 2. Leisure. Dog.”

Example message 2: “One-way trip Tiina Tiinanen Junatie 5 Helsinki, Helsinki Central Station main door Kaivokatu 1. Arrival 8.00. Date 1.4.2019. 10 min stop. Mannerheimintie 1 Helsinki. Rollator.”

Transport confirmation

Once the customer service representative has received your order, you will receive confirmation of the departure time. The arrival of the vehicle can also be confirmed roughly five minutes before the scheduled departure time as an automatic text message if you have given your consent.
If you have ordered your transport by text message, it will also be confirmed by text message. For email orders, the order confirmation will be sent to the address from which the transport was ordered.

Transport changes or cancellations

Please make any cancellations or changes to your transport order no later than 20 minutes before the scheduled departure time:

If you need to change or cancel a transport order or cancellation to take place within two hours, we recommend queuing in our telephone service until a customer service representative becomes available instead of using our call-back service.

When the vehicle arrives

  • Please be on time at the agreed upon departure address, as the vehicle cannot wait for you for more than five minutes from the scheduled departure time.
  • Hand your payment card to the driver, who will charge the trip to the card. One trip will be charged for each transport from a departure point to a destination.
  • The City of Helsinki will send you a monthly invoice for co-payments for your errand trips and work or study commutes.
  • If you forget to bring your payment card and pay for the trip yourself, you can apply for reimbursement afterwards by submitting the receipt to your local disability services unit. Reimbursements are decided on by the Social Welfare, Health Care and Rescue Services Division on a case-by-case basis.

If you are unable to contact us

If you need transport soon and cannot reach our customer service center within 15 minutes of queuing, or if your transport is late by more than 15 minutes, you can order a vehicle from Taksi Helsinki or Menevä, or take a vehicle provided by these operators at a taxi stop.

  • Taxi Helsinki p. 09 4246 8155  or Taksi Menevä p. 0800 02120.
  • If you order a vehicle from Taksi Helsinki or Menevä, please specify that you are a client of the Helsinki Transport Service when placing your order. You can pay for the transport with your transport service payment card, provided that you checked that the vehicle accepts the payment card when placing your order.
  • Please notify the customer service centre of the Helsinki Transport Service of the transport afterwards as soon as possible.
  • Please also provide the number of the taxi, which can be found on the receipt.

Please note that if you take a vehicle from a taxi stop without our service being congested or your transport arriving late, you may be charged for the travel cost.